
A incomplete list of clubs from the 2CV scene. This list was last updated in february 2023. If you have further links, please report them to

Switzerland’s 2CV club scene exists since approx. 1970. In the beginning there were mainly activities of the regional 2CV clubs like convois, barbecue events and the first Pentecost meeting was hosted in the Swiss mountains. Since there were already other 2CV clubs in Germany it was an obvious idea for them to visit the events of the clubs in Switzerland. This resulted in the first international meetings with more and more participants. During the 70ties Swiss 2CVs participated in the 2CV-Raids Paris-Persepolis, Paris-Kabul and other legendary events.  Swiss participants also joined the Raid USA, Raid Canada and Raids in Australia. In 1973 Swiss teams participated in the first POP-CROSS in Argenton s. Creus (F). At this time with no real success, but the Swiss teams soon became an integral part of the 2CV cross scene and joined many races in France and Italy.

Soon, almost every Swiss 2CV club started to organize a 2CV meeting. Most weekends were spent at a meeting. Friends from all over Europe joined in for most meetings. Some even drove to Switzerland from Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands just to join a meeting for a weekend. Swiss drivers also visited a lot of meetings in the other European countries, sometimes arriving quite late at night and always happy to find some friends at the campfire inviting them for a deserved welcome drink.

Over the years the Swiss Pentecost Meeting evolved to a Swiss National Meeting. Till today every year another Swiss 2CV club hosts this meeting which still attracts visitors from several countries. In the early years hundreds of 2CVs joined those meetings, but over the years the number of cars decreased to stable 120-150 cars visiting the meeting every year. In addition there are still some other 2CV meetings in the various regions of Switzerland which are organized each year.

It has always been – and still is – a fantastic time. It was also the time of free love during, before, after and in between the 2CV meetings (some of us certainly remember the squeaking of the shock absorbers). Naturally this resulted in quite a few marriages – for some of them Swiss drivers even drove as far as Denmark. Marriages were followed by a lot of 2CV kids and for many the 2CV meetings turned into meetings of a very big family. Many of those 2CV kids are still visiting 2CV meetings and are now more than willing and highly motivated to organize and host the 24th World Meeting of 2CV Friends.


  • CCRR – Dachverband deutscher 2CV Freunde
  • Dyane IG – Infos zu Dyane, Acadyane etc.

2CV Mania Belge

2CV Club Lëtzebuerg

2CV Club Nederland

OEsterreichischer Citroën Club

Club Citroën 2cv e Derivate Italia

El portal des 2cv en español

Citroën Klub Slovenjie

Croatian 2cv Citroën club

2CV Club Serbia

Club Spacek from Skopje, North Macedonia

Greek 2cv & Citroen Fans Club

Citroen 2CV6 Lovers from Turkey


Citroen 2cv Club Lithuania

Citroën 2CV Club Jesenice

Citroën 2CV Club Slovakia

Citroën Automobile Club Hungary

Club Citroën România

Citroen 2CV Club Bulgaria

2CVGB – The Deux Chevaux Club of Great Britain

Dansk Citroënclub – Club Citroën danois

Svenska Citroën Klubben

Norsk 2cv Klubb

Suomen 2CV Kilta – Finnish 2CV Guild